Bond Cleaning

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Bond Cleaning

Many tenants lose their bond at the end of the lease due to improper cleaning techniques. However, don’t let that discourage you since experts are a mere call away. Our office offers an expertise in bond cleaning services. We guarantee that most fastidious real estate agents (or homeowners) will have nothing to criticise regarding the cleaning and sanitation of your home.


Gold Coast's most Trusted Cleaning Service
Count on us for professional Bond cleaning services for both Home and Offices
Facts You Need to Know About The Cleanliness of Your House
What is Bond Cleaning?

As required by law, before your lease ends, you need to have the property properly and thoroughly cleaned. It is also called, exit cleaning or end of lease cleaning. To get your bond back, you need to have the property cleaned and not every tenant is aware of this (especially those who are renting out for the first time). In addition to this, not all tenants provide the level of detail required to pass an exit inspection by the agent / owner.

Before moving out, you need to surrender a perfectly cleaned out property back to the homeowner or the real estate agency as close to (if not perfectly in the same) condition as you initially moved in. Prior to moving in, real estate agents will inspect and have a report of the full condition of the property down the single hook on the wall. And as a tenant, you’re required by law to maintain the conditions of the leased property.

Person hand-mopping a mirror with yellow gloves on
Female cleaning table glass with a towel

How does Bond Cleaning Work?

Bond cleaning is always set by appointment, and regardless of the amount of time given, sometimes DIY home cleaning is just not enough. This is especially true if you’re not sure how they define ‘clean’ in terms of inspection. Usually, bond cleaning requires the following:

  • Clean Lights
  • Clean Fans & Air Conditioning units including filters
  • Cornices
  • Skirting boards & tile edges
  • Spot Clean marks on walls
  • Clean power points & light switches
  • Sanitise and clean bathrooms, toilets, and showers
  • Polish mirrors
  • Clean and sanitise vanity units
  • Vacuum all drawers in unit ( bathroom. kitchen and wardrobes)
  • Wipe out all cupboards
  • Clean kitchen drawers and shelving
  • Clean Oven & rangehood and filters and cooktop
  • Clean dishwasher & filters.
  • Wipe over front and inside of all drawers
  • Clean window tracks and glass that are accessible ( internal & external)
  • Vacuum all hard floors and mop hard surfaces
  • Clean balconies if they exist
  • Clean wardrobes and mirror doors and tracks
  • Clean all doors and architraves
  • Clean laundry tub and under.

Additional Services

Carpet Cleaning Services are available with qualified and experienced carpet cleaners using both Encap and Steam Cleaning methods. Receipt also provided for the Carpet Clean for submission to Agent/Owner

Pest Sprays can also be organised using licensed operators for an End of Lease Spray. More comprehensive Pest solutions are also available from the operators. Pest Certificates are supplied for onforwarding to the Agent/Owner.

Exclusions :

  • Bins  – Garbage Bin and Recycle Bin (By arrangement)
  • Venetian blinds & shutters (subject to review based on extent of dust and dirt)
  • External decks
  • external walls, stairs, gutters, facias and downpipes
  • Vertical blind slats
  • Driveway and pathway (By arrangement)
  • Wasp nests external
  • Slimline Aluminium Venetian Blinds
  • Heavily Soiled Roller-blinds (subject to review)
  • Ovens which are extremely dirty

We understand that moving out costs a lot of money. As a top-rated cleaning service provider in the Gold Coast, we will not overburden you with extra costs in our bond cleaning services. We charge you fairly depending on the size of the property, extent of cleaning required and the condition in which you have left the property.

Give us a call today and schedule an exit cleaning and keep as much of your bond as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I take pride in my work and do the best I can for the client. Even if that means redoing parts of the bond cleaning again, what I guarantee is satisfaction. I guarantee my work and a clean property.

My seven years of experience have taught me to pay attention to the little details during a bond clean, this is normally the last requirement your property manager will need to get your Bond Back!

Bond Cleaning / Move In/Out Cleans are my specialty. This is the hardest cleaning that can be undertaken and is a great training ground for any cleaning that is required

When I provide a quote to a client, I often ask them a series of questions to get an idea of the property’s current condition. If the client is honest with me, I will always honour my quote.

I offer you value for money but most importantly I aim to get it right the first time so you get your rental bond back in full.

Prespray the oven always assists and a quick vacum of the property so that it presents reasonably clean prior to commencement. Large items and debris should also be gathered up so that they are not spread all over the floors

Have these details handy: Length of tenancy, presence of animals, number of bedrooms & bathrooms, Single or double story property and type of blinds

I currently hold a $10 M Public Liability Policy and I do guarantee my work. This means that if required I will return quickly to rectify any issues raised by your Agent and or Owner if I am responsible for them.

On taking the booking, I always confirm the appointment by SMS, and I confirm with you the night before. I also have a National Police Check available to give you confidence that you are dealing with a trustworthy individual.

The most common question asked is ” what is included” and is there anything ” exlcuded” from the bond clean . I normally go through a listing of the items that are covered

On Line shoppers normally want to know the track record of the and a verifiable Star Rating normally provides some level of confort along with comments by the client serviced previously

I normally like to admire the property when finished and to a standard where I can say to myself ” I could live here myself”

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